UV Index Forecast for Chester County, South Carolina
Below is an interactive map of Chester County, sc, USA. The markers on the map identify large, populated cities in Chester County. If you hover over a marker, it will display the city name and the current UV index. The color of the city markers also references the current UV risk level.
The city with the highest UV index this hour (7:00 pm) in Chester County, sc is Lowrys at 0.1. Today, the peak UV index for Chester County will be in Great Falls, sc around 1:00 pm at 6.5 (High). Over the next five days the peak UV index in Chester County will be 7.2 (High) and will occur on Friday, March 28th in Great Falls, sc around 1:00 pm.
Range | 1-2 | 3-5 | 6-7 | 8-10 | 11+ |
Color | |||||
Risk | Low | Moderate | High | Very High | Extreme |
Last Updated 28 minutes ago
UV Index Forecast by City in Chester County
Below is a list of cities in Chester County, sc where we track and forecast the UV index. Click on a city name to get the current UV index, hourly UV index for the day and the next five days.