UV Index for United States

It's easy to find your local UV index forecast. Enter your city and state above and hit the "Find Forecast" button.

UV Index Forecast for the United States

You can use the below interactive map of the United States to find your local UV index forecast. You can click on any state, and you’ll be taken to a list of counties, which then you can drilldown to your city. For a faster and more streamed line experience use our search function at the top of this web page. It allows you to search for your local UV index using your city and state.

The markers on the below map help identify large, populated cities throughout the United States. These markers give you a general idea of UV index in a region. The color of each marker represents the UV index scale level for that city’s current forecast. If you click on a marker it will display the actual UV index value for that city.

Range 1-2 3-5 6-7 8-10 11+
Risk Low Moderate High Very High Extreme

Last Updated 53 minutes ago

UV Index Forecast for U.S. States

Below is a list of all 50 U.S. States. Simply click on any state, you’ll then get a list of counties in that state, which you can use to find your city. For a faster and more streamed line experience use our search function at the top of this web page. It allows you to search for your local UV index using your city and state.