UV Index Today was launched in 2021 to provide people with national and local UV index forecasts. Our primary mission is to help people protect themselves from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Currently we cover more than 40,000 cities in the United States. Our forecasts include the real-time UV index, the hourly UV index for the current day and the hourly UV index for the next five days. We create our forecasts using data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Our UV index forecasts include the effects of UV fluxes using the TUV radiative transfer code. We looked at the effects of cloud transmission, elevation, snow/ice reflectivity, the Sun-Earth distance, the solar zenith angle, total ozone amount and the tropospheric aerosol optical depth. If you want to learn more about our data, please visit our data sources web page. If you have any questions about our website, forecasts or simply want to make a suggestion, please contact us.